Sonam Kapoor Ahuja's last release, The Zoya Factor, failed at the box-office and didn't even manage to survive in the cinemas for more than two weeks. It clashed on September 20, 2019, with Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas and Prasthanam, and registered the least amount of collections. A film where the actress played a lucky charm for the Indian Cricket Team, ironically couldn't drive her own film to success. This Abhishek Sharma directorial, also starring Dulquer Salmaan, could only manage lifetime collections of around Rs. 4.90 crores.
At a recent event organised by the IWC Schaffhausen, of which she's the brand ambassador, the actress was asked by the television channel Zoom about her film's underwhelming performance at the ticket windows. Here's what she had to say, "Of course it was upsetting, but unfortunately you don't have control over what are the other films that are already doing well and what shows you get."
She added, "But we got an amazing opportunity on the OTT platform for that kind of a film. A romantic comedy getting 3.5-4 star reviews is unheard of, but to get us on that platform is amazing and hopefully, more people can watch it. A similar thing happened with Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, so today, I don't know how to explain it, different kinds of films are doing well."
On the work front, the actress is gearing up for Sujoy Ghosh's next production, which is the remake of the Korean film, Blind. Given the actress was delivering a string of successful films from Raanjhanaa to Veere Di Wedding, the failure of her last two outings definitely comes as a setback. However, she and we are both hopeful she'll bounce back with a meaty part and a commercial success soon.
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