Janhvi Kapoor attended the Jio MAMI Movie Mela and spoke about quite a few things including her Bollywood debut, Dhadak, and the kind of role she would like to play in the future. The lovely actress revealed that she would love to play the female Joker.
When asked which was the last movie that made her cry, Janhvi shared, "I've cried watching almost every movie I've ever seen. The latest would be Joker, The Sky Is Pink, and The Wife." Janhvi also said how she would 'love to play a female character that's just as uninhibited as the Joker'.
Janhvi Kapoor was then asked what would be the one thing that she would change about the entertainment industry, and she said, "Times are changing, but I still think we need to have a little less 'sanitised' roles for women. The best such role I can think of, in the Indian context, is the one played by Nutan in Bandini. There should be more roles that portray the uninhibited side of the female - roles such as the female versions of Kabir Singh or the Joker."
On the work front, Janhvi Kapoor has quite a few film projects in her kitty after Dhadak. Janhvi will be seen in Gunjan Saxena: Kargil Girl releasing on March 13, 2020, RoohiAfza, coming out on April 17, 2020, Dostana 2 and Takht. She will also collaborate with father Boney Kapoor on a film titled Bombay Girl.
Janhvi's film, Gunjan Saxena: Kargil Girl, is based on Gunjan Saxena, one of the first female pilots to fly in combat and who played an important part in rescuing injured soldiers during the Kargil War in 1999 and was awarded the gallantry Shaurya Vir Award for displaying courage during the war.
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