Work was on in full swing for the grand music launch of Pailwaan, the multi-lingual action drama featuring South superstar Kichcha Sudeep and Suniel Shetty. The event - that was scheduled for August 10 - was envisioned as a grand one, with a majestic set built at Chitradurga in Karnataka and an expected audience of over 1.5 lakh fans. However, on Thursday, the superstar announced that he was postponing the event in the aftermath of the Karnataka floods. The team has instead decided to offer financial and medical aid to the flood victims in the state.
Producer-director S Krishna tells mid-day, "Sudeep sir took the initiative, and after consulting everybody in the team, we decided to postpone it. A lot of money was spent [on the set], but when half the state is shattered because of heavy rains and floods, it is not the time to celebrate."
Sudeep and Shetty are now leading from the front in putting a relief team in place for those affected by the floods. "Sudeep sir and our production house are in talks with a team of doctors who will be sent to the [worst-hit areas] and take care of the patients. The expenses of the necessary treatment and medicines will be borne by the production house. For now, we are contributing by way of sending relief items such as food and clothing. We are also working with Sudeep sir’s fans clubs and sending their contributions to those in need."
Also read: Subodh Bhave and Sai Tamhankar extend support to flood-affected people in Kolhapur and Sangli
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