Almost 15 months after announcing his next featuring Ajay Devgn and Ranbir Kapoor, Luv Ranjan has yet to take the film on floors. Insiders suggest that the film is considerably delayed, with the latest blow being the absence of a leading lady. Until recently, rumours were rife that Deepika Padukone may join Devgn and Kapoor in the project. However, things quietened down on that front when the actor stated, in a recent interview, that she wouldn't work with a #MeToo accused.
A source, who is part of the project, reveals, "According to the original plan, the film was expected to kick off this year. But the script is yet to be locked. Couple that with the lead actors' choc-a-block schedule and the film has been pushed by a year now. Ranbir is busy with Brahmastra and then, Shamshera. Ajay, on his part, has a spate of films lined up including Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior, Bhuj: The Pride Of India and the football film.
Luv will utilise the time to finish the final draft and take it on floors by mid-2020. There is no truth to the allegations that the film has been shelved owing to his #MeToo complaint. Ranjan came clean on the matter and apologised for his said misconduct, citing that it was never his intent."
Also read: Ajay Devgn and Abhishek Bachchan to reunite for a film based on true events?
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