Ranveer Singh on Friday sent Christmas wishes to his fans with his wife Deepika Padukone. While every Bollywood star wished the fans about the occasion in the day time, it was the wish from 'Bajirao' and his 'Mastani', the admirers were waiting for. To send the Christmas wish, Ranveer took to Instagram and shared an adorable picture of himself with his wife and superstar Deepika Padukone, which he referred to as his 'little elf.
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The post that accumulated more than two lakh likes within a few minutes of being posted captures the 'Simmba' star in a dapper look which he completed with a red blazer and white t-shirt. Accessorizing his appearance he donned a silver pendant, big frame spectacles, and a patterned red coloured tomboy hat. Wherein, the adorable part of the post is Deepika peeking-a-boo behind Ranveer, as he strikes a wave for the camera lens.
"Merry Christmas to everyone from Me and my little Elf!, @deepikapadukone," the 35-year-old actor wrote in the caption.
Meanwhile, on a professional note, Ranveer Singh, who runs a passion project - the independent music record label IncInk to support homegrown musical talents, released a new music video 'Aur Karo' featuring Kaam Bhaari and Spitfire, three days ago.
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