Three days after a crew member filed a molestation case against actor Vijay Raaz, developments continue on Vidya Balan-led Sherni, which is being shot in Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh. Staying true to their endeavour of creating a safe workplace for women, producer Vikram Malhotra and director Amit Masurkar, on Wednesday, set up an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to probe the matter.
It is learnt that the actor, who was arrested by the Gondia police on Tuesday morning following the woman's complaint on Monday night, has returned to Mumbai. A source reveals, "Vijay left for Mumbai on Tuesday after he was granted bail. He didn't even return to the hotel where he had been put up. The production head informed the crew on Wednesday that Vijay won't be resuming work. Though he had two scenes remaining, Vikram sir and Amit were certain that he should not be allowed on the set, in keeping with Abundantia Entertainment's zero-tolerance policy for workplace harassment."
Amit Masurkar; Vikram Malhotra
While shooting was suspended on Wednesday, the team reported back to the set yesterday. "The makers will decide on the punitive action against Raaz once the ICC ruling is out. For now, they have their eyes set on completing the shoot by the weekend."
mid-day sent detailed texts to Masurkar, Malhotra and Raaz, who did not respond till press time.
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