Six years after their last outing Happy New Year (2014), Deepika Padukone has reunited with Shah Rukh Khan for their fourth collaboration, Pathan. mid-day has learnt that the actor joined the unit of the Siddharth Anand-directed actioner on Monday, four days after Khan kicked off the shoot in the city. "The team is filming at Yash Raj Studios in Andheri, where a huge set has been erected," reveals a source.
Siddharth Anand and Shakun Batra
Padukone's date diary is not dominated solely by Pathan. The actor, who returned to Mumbai earlier this month after an extensive Goa schedule of Shakun Batra's yet-untitled film, has a week's work remaining on it. "Deepika has joined Shah Rukh for a 20-day schedule, post which she will turn her attention to the Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ananya Panday starrer. She hopes to wrap it up by December-end," adds the source. Pathan, which features John Abraham as the antagonist, is highly anticipated as it marks Khan's return to the movies after his self-imposed two-year sabbatical.
mid-day reached out to Yash Raj Films, which remained unavailable for comment.
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