Five months after the last leg of their film was expected to go on floors, the unit of Rakul Preet Singh and Arjun Kapoor's upcoming love saga resumed shooting in Film City. Filming for Kaashvie Nair's untitled directorial debut, a cross-border love story set amid the Indian Independence, is taking place with caution. "When we wrapped up the previous schedule, no one could have imagined that our next leg would see such drastic changes. When I stepped on the set, it looked like I was entering another world. There are sanitiser showers, unit members don PPE kits, and constant temperature checks are conducted for cast and crew members. This is the new normal," says Singh.
Despite the luxuries afforded to actors on set, Singh admits that she hasn't seen a vanity van being maintained as well as it has been, this time around. "Measures to maintain cleanliness are being taken, and [the set is] frequently sanitised. I was glad to be back at work. All these months, I had been doing my own make-up. When I saw my make-up artiste do a fine job [with me], I turned around and told him that I missed him."
Amid all the modifications, Singh says she found comfort in the camaraderie she shares with her co-artistes, John Abraham and producer Nikkhil Advani. "John makes us laugh all the time. Kaashvie and he have a Tom-and-Jerry vibe between them," says Singh, who has also begun work on Krish's Telugu film in Hyderabad.
Kaashvie is daughter to veteran filmmaker Shashilal Nair, who directed films like Jackie Shroff and Dimple Kapadia's Angaar (1992) and the Shah Rukh Khan and Juhi Chawla-starrer One 2 Ka 4 (2001).
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