The countdown to the golden jubilee celebration of Yash Raj Films has begun. While head honcho Aditya Chopra is expected to announce the slate of movies for the coming year on Yash Chopra's birth anniversary on September 27, he plans to take the global audience down memory lane with the studio's past blockbusters. It is heard that the suits at the production house are charting out a plan to conduct YRF Film Festivals across the US, UK, Australia, Russia, Singapore, Malaysia, Switzerland, and several other countries.
"The festival will showcase iconic movies made under the banner, including Aditya's directorial debut Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge [1995], and Yashji's swan song Jab Tak Hai Jaan [2012]. Since Yashji gave the industry some priceless songs, radio concerts are being planned where the original artistes will revisit these gems," reveals a source. The on-ground teams are working out the logistics, given the current restrictions, and a final call will be taken soon. Chopra is apparently keen to have a large-scale promotion next year too when the films announced under the YRF 50 project will be ready for release.
Veer-Zaara will be shown as part of the film festival
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