In the early stages of the lockdown, Deepika Padukone had joked that husband Ranveer Singh has been sleeping 20 hours a day during the period. Now, with the entertainment industry slowly humming to life, looks like Singh — having enjoyed more than his share of beauty sleep — is ready to bounce back into action. Last week, the actor headed to hairstylist Darshan Yewalekar's Bandra salon to begin prep for Zoya Akhtar's yet-untitled crime drama.
It is learnt that the filmmaker is keen to conduct a look test with Singh to determine if he can fit the role of an undercover cop who infiltrates an underworld gang. Considering Yewalekar has — by way of hairstyles — given him distinct looks in Gully Boy (2019), Padmaavat (2018), Bajirao Mastani (2015) and the upcoming 83, the actor wanted to brainstorm with him on creating a different on-screen avatar. A source reveals, "Ranveer wants to make a strong impression with the first look and hence, went to Darshan's salon well ahead of the look test. The duo is in the process of creating two diverse avatars for him. While he will be clean-shaven for his cop act, the actor wants to try a dramatic look for the portions that will see him as a mole in the world of gangsters. Ranveer wore a mask and maintained social distancing as he ventured out after almost four months."
With Singh having wrapped up work on Jayeshbhai Jordaar and 83, the actor will train his focus on the gangster movie, which reportedly also features Katrina Kaif. "In all likelihood, Zoya's film will roll in 2021," adds the source.
Akhtar remained unavailable for comment.
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