Veteran actor Dharmendra on Thursday remembered late Bollywood actor and close friend Mehmood Ali on his death anniversary. The Sholay actor dug out an old monochrome picture of himself with the departed comic actor and remembered meeting his friend, on Twitter.
"Jab bhi milta tha, Mahaul khill uthta tha. Teri yaad mein Mehmood, mann bhar aata hai," he wrote beside the image. From Purnima in 1965 to Juaari in 1994, Dharmendra and Mehmood worked together in various films. The actor, singer, director and producer died on July 23, 2004.
Jab bhi milta tha ...Mahaul khill uthta tha ..... teri yaad mein MEMOOD ....mann bhar aata hai ....
— Dharmendra Deol (@aapkadharam) July 23, 2020
Mehmood was one of the most celebrated comic actors of the Hindi film industry. In spite of rarely playing the lead role, he was a superstar alright. His name helped producers sell more tickets and his picture on the poster ensured that scores turned up at the theatres. He had worked in over 300 Bollywood films in his entire career span. Some of his most loved Bollywood films include Padosan (1968), Bombay To Goa (1972), Do Phool (1973), and Kunwara Baap (1974).
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