After Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan, actor Anupam Kher's mother Dulari, brother-actor Raju Kher, his wife and daughter have also tested positive for COVID-19. Kher's mother, who was admitted to Mumbai's Kokilaben hospital, is now under the isolation ward. Owing to the age and the current situation, Dulari is not aware of her current health status. Though she is aware of the pandemic, Anupam Kher has made sure to not reveal all the details to his mother.
Sharing the news with his fans, Anupam Kher shared on Twitter how his family members have been tested positive, whereas he still stands to be COVID negative.
This is to inform all that my mother Dulari is found Covid + (Mildly). We have admitted her into Kokilaben Hospital. My brother, bhabhi & niece inspite of being careful have also tested mildly positive.I got myself tested as well & I have tested negative. @mybmc is informed.!ð
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) July 12, 2020
The actor further updated, "My mummy has been shifted to the isolation ward and Raju and his family is in-home quarantine. I am sure they are under the supervision of good doctors and they will recover soon."
Despite the extreme amount of carefulness displayed by my brother and his family over the last few months, they still tested positive. So I urge everyone to take this seriously and understand that no amount of safety measures are enough. Friends, don't let your guards down. Let's be vigilant, let's be aware and let's fight the bad times together," the actor added.
Anupam Kher's emotional message will surely melt your heart. The actor has been constantly sharing positive videos on social media to keep the spirits high of his social media followers.
Anupam is also urging his fans to follow the government protocol and stay safe. Social distancing, stay-at-home and extreme hygiene is the first step to keep the pandemic away. Speaking about the same, in the previous video, Anupam mentioned, "With the relaxations in the country, people have started enjoying talking at a distance wearing masks. No, I don't think it is going to work like that. This virus is serious. If you do not have a reason to venture out for a good reason, then please don't."
In another video, the actor recited a poem to keep up the motivation among his fans.
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