Nagpur police has taken recourse to Bollywood to spread awareness among citizens about the pandemic. In a bid to reiterate the need to maintain social distancing, the cops took to Twitter and gave a twist to Shah Rukh Khan's famous dialogue, 'Don't underestimate the power of a common man' from Chennai Express (2013).
Don't underestimate the power of Social Distancing!#NagpurPolice
— Nagpur City Police (@NagpurPolice) April 5, 2020
The pinned tweet on the official handle reads: "Don't underestimate the power of social distancing (sic)." Along with it, they posted a still from Rohit Shetty's film in which SRK and co-star Deepika Padukone are seen sitting apart on a bench, emphasising the need to keep a distance.
This isn't the first time that Maharashtra's police forces have used popular culture references to put their point across. Mumbai police recently a Harry Potter reference to emphasise the importance of staying indoors! They tweeted, "'Colloportus' your doors, folks! A lot more than just 5 points will be awarded to all those who stay home during #lockdown and don't create panic. #DumbledoreSaysShutTheDoor"
‘Colloportus' your doors, folks!
— Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) April 7, 2020
A lot more than just 5 points will be awarded to all those who stay home during #lockdown and don’t create panic.#DumbledoreSaysShutTheDoor #TakingOnCorona
Have you been taking this advice seriously and staying indoors?
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