Saiyami Kher, who made her Bollywood debut with Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's Mirzya, has finally opened up on the film's unfortunate failure at the box-office. Not only Kher, but it was also the debut vehicle of Anil Kapoor's son Harshvardhan Kapoor and the expectations were really high.
Mounted on a massive scale, Mirzya was the love story of Kher and Kapoor that was based in two time periods. It was a romance that was driven by both pain and passion and how it all unfolded in a tragic finale. Despite the gorgeousness of the locales and the collective efforts of the entire team, the drama paled in comparison to Mehra's earlier works and ultimately turned out to be a critical and commercial disappointment.
And talking about the same to Bollywood Life, Kher said, "Unfortunately, Mirzya did not make money at the box-office and that kind of sets of the parametre of the films offered to you after the release. There were a lot of big filmmakers who were interested and had narration with me, but because this film didn't make money, producers didn't want to back me."
She continued, "And if I was a producer, I, too, would want to back somebody who's already salable. After all, it's purely a business, where you want to see how you compete and the most money you can make. Having said that, I was fortunate that I was backed by the digital space where Breathe 2 and Special Ops happened."
Well, she also acted in the Marathi blockbuster Mauli with Riteish Deshmukh that came out in December 2018.
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