Popular singer Kanika Kapoor was diagnosed with coronavirus after she returned to India from London a few days ago. Social media and people, in general, have been up in arms against the Baby Doll singer for not having taken the necessary precautions on being diagnosed and instead, attending a party in Lucknow where several others came in contact with her. On her part, she said it was not a big bash attended by 100-odd people as is being reported.
Amid all the backlash, Tanuj Garg, a film producer and close friend of Kanika's, has opened up on the issue and said that it's not the time to ostracise people. In an interview with ETimes, Tanuj Garg said, "Anxiety and fear levels are really high at the moment and I can see why anger is being heaped on Kanika Kapoor. I agree that restraint and precaution on her part would have been correct, but she's not the type to have done this intentionally."
He further said, "On developing symptoms, she called the local hospital voluntarily to get herself tested. Instead of ostracising people, let's pray instead that Kanika and whoever she came in contact within Lucknow recover speedily! Hopefully this will also be a trigger for people to be doubly careful!"
When asked about the rumours of her hiding in a bathroom to skip the mandatory airport screening, Kanika told mid-day, "I didn't run away from the airport, nor did I hide in a bathroom. Like everyone else, I was screened at the Mumbai airport after my arrival from London, and was absolutely fine. So, the next day, I flew to Lucknow to stay with my parents."
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