Bollywood has almost ground to a halt with several filmmakers cancelling their schedules well before the Indian cine associations ordered the suspension of shoot from March 19. mid-day has learnt that last week, Mahesh Bhatt called off the final schedule of Sadak 2, which was to take place in Ooty, in the wake of the pandemic. Over the two-day shoot, the unit was to apparently film a song featuring the lead stars — Alia Bhatt and Aditya Roy Kapur.
Pooja Bhatt, who has reunited with Sadak co-star Sanjay Dutt for the second edition, confirmed the development, saying, "We had a two-day stint in Ooty, but had to cancel it because of the Coronavirus scare. [The schedule was to include] a large unit, and we didn't want to put anyone in a vulnerable situation. So, we postponed it."
With many movies deferring their releases, and several more postponing their shoots, the release calendar will see a rejig of sorts. Ask her if the film too will shift from its July date, and she explains, "The release dates of [many] films have been pushed. So once we know where we stand, only then will we be able to lock our dates. We only have a song that needs to be filmed, and then it's a wrap on the film."
The sequel to the 1991 hit holds a special place in Pooja's heart for two reasons — it not only marks her father's return to direction after 19 years but also has her serving as an associate director. "Assisting my father is the most fulfilling experience for me," she beams, adding, "What I like the most [about his style of working] is that he enjoys the process of filmmaking and doesn't worry about the nitty-gritty. He has old-school wisdom and that adds value to the film."
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