Dilip Kumar, who was rushed to a Bandra hospital due to a severe backache, is now on the road to recovery. Over the weekend, wife Saira Banu shared his health update on social media. "Dilip sahab is a lot better. He had severe backaches and we had to go to Lilavati hospital to check it out (sic)." She added that tests had been done and the thespian, 97, was back home.
In an audio note shared on Dilip Kumar's official Twitter page, Banu said that they had to consult the doctors at Lilavati hospital and everything is fine now.
"I'm so happy to tell all of you that Dilip sahab is a lot better. He had a severe backache and we had to go an check it out at Lilavati hospital. We checked it out and came back home. Everything is fine now with God's grace and your best wishes. We are so grateful to you all," Banu said.
Saira Banu’s message on Saab’s health. pic.twitter.com/BIb3vyuZVe
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) March 13, 2020
Family friends have requested fans not to fall prey to rumours about the legend's health.
Dilip Kumar was last seen on the big screen in "Qila" in 1998. He was honoured with Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 1994 and the Padma Vibhushan in 2015. In a career spanning five decades, he had gifted us classics such as "Devdas", "Mughal-e-Azam" and "Naya Daur".
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