As the Director-General of the World Health Organisation nominates Deepika Padukone to spread the Safe Hands Challenge awareness amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, the actress teaches how to stay safe! Taking to her social media, Deepika Padukone shared a video as she can be visibly seen wearing a mask which has become essential to protect oneself from the global virus and is washing away her hands.
She posted, "Thank You @DrTedros, for nominating me for the #SafeHands Challenge! #COVID19 surely is an uphill health and public safety task, but all of us are in this fight together! I further nominate @rogerfederer,@Cristiano and @imVkohli to take up this challenge! #coronavirus #StaySafe." (sic)
Watch the video right here:
Thank You @DrTedros, for nominating me for the #SafeHands Challenge!#COVID19 surely is an uphill health and public safety task, but all of us are in this fight together!I further nominate @rogerfederer,@Cristiano and @imVkohli to take up this challenge! #coronavirus #StaySafe
— Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) March 17, 2020
To spread the message of cleanliness and precautionary measures further, Deepika nominated Roger Federer, Cristiano Ronaldo and Virat Kohli for the #SafeHandsChallenge.
To reach out to the wider population, the Director-General is tagging celebrities for the massive influence they hold over the people. Deepika is a renowned actor and acclaimed star who is known for her influence across the world and has been a prominent voice in spreading awareness about issues, including depression.
The man himself uploaded a video that reached a lot of people worldwide, take a look right here:
There are several measures you can take to protect yourself from #COVID19. One of the most important ones is regular & safe hand hygiene. Here are the steps recommended by @WHO ð
— Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (@DrTedros) March 13, 2020
Show the ð where and how you wash your hands. Join the WHO #SafeHands challenge!
Safe Hands challenge is a new global campaign by WHO where the entity has asked to share a video of how to wash your hands neatly to safeguard yourself from the virus. The outbreak has infected more than 150,000 people worldwide and killed over 5,600, continuing its scare. With this, Deepika surely contributed as she took part and furthered its reach.
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