While Kanika Kapoor created a stir in the country by flouting the quarantine procedure, singer Sonu Nigam has taken a unique route. The singer, who was in Dubai since March 5, was to return to the country earlier this week. However, with the Indian government placing restrictions on international travel to curb the spread of the virus, Nigam has decided to extend his stay in the desert emirate.
"When my Mumbai concert got postponed, I decided to join my family in Dubai till March 17. However, now, I will have to wait till things are normal [to return]. I don't want to be stuck in quarantine, and burden the already burdened authorities," says Nigam. As much as he wishes to return home, the singer is aware that in doing so, he could put others around him at risk. He laments, "I would have loved to be with my father and sister [in India]. But at this time, I could be potentially dangerous to them due to my exposure in Dubai. If I travel back, I will only be exposing myself further at the airports. Imagine the [risks in the] aircraft itself [where you are surrounded by so many people]." Considering it's a prolonged stay in Dubai, is he facing any roadblocks in terms of his visa? "Not at all. The world is united in its fight."
He may be miles away from his fans in India, but he has devised a way to connect with them — Nigam will conduct a live music concert on social media on Sunday. "It's not just for Indians but for all the people worldwide who follow Indian music, live streamed through my social handles."
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