Disha Patani's upcoming movie Malang has been the talk of the town ever since the trailer of the movie was released. The trailer showcased Disha at her hottest in full bohemian attire, especially in her bikini-clad avatar. Disha is without a doubt the hottest actress in Bollywood and never misses out on giving major fitness goals to her millions of followers.
Disha has a busy line up this year with Mohit Suri's Malang followed by Radhe where she will reunite with Salman Khan and then KTina. The actress has made her mark in the industry and is currently on a roll. Disha is currently on a promotional spree for Malang and even during the promotions, the actress gives out major fashion goals.
Be it a Saree in Slow Motion Song or a bikini as seen in Malang, Disha is always the hottest person in the room. Her latest song from Malang titled Hui Malang has raised the temperature across all platforms.
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