Fans of Sara Ali Khan and Kartik Aaryan have christened them Saarthik. There has been tattle about the Love Aaj Kal stars for a while. When asked about their relationship status during a recent event for their upcoming film, Aaryan said, "When Sara confessed she had a crush on me, on TV, I also developed a crush on her. After that, I felt shy."
Rumours of a romance started when Khan quipped on Karan Johar's show that she liked him and would like to go on a date with him.
Apparently, recently, when the actor was asked about his plans for Valentine's Day, he revealed, "We (Sara and he) will go out to watch a movie. We will be watching Love Aaj Kal. It's a date night. On February 14 or 13, we will go out together and watch the film." Considering that this revelation came at the trailer launch of Kartik-Sara's upcoming flick, Love Aaj Kal, it may have just been something Kartik said to promote the film.
On the other hand, rumours of Kartik Aaryan and Sara Ali Khan dating and then breaking up have been going strong for quite a while now, so we won't be surprised if the cute couple has reconciled.
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