Kangana Ranaut is close to her family, especially her sister Rangoli Chandel and brother Aksht. Recently, the Manikarnika actress attended her cousin Karan's engagement ceremony in Himachal Pradesh. Kangana looked stunning in her black and maroon sharara set and hair tied up in a bun. Rangoli took to Twitter to share some photos from the function and captioned the post, "Dear friends bless our brother Karan and his new bride Anjali, new member in our family they got engaged today and their families decided for them, arranged marriages are so much fun."
Kangana Ranaut's team, too, shared a couple of photos on Instagram. One of them was this one of Kangana with her brother and his fiance. The caption read, "#KanganaRanaut with her brother, Aksht Ranaut (middle) and his fiance, Ritu Sangwan (left) pose for a picture in Himachal today for theirs cousin's engagement."
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Doesn't Kangana look absolutely radiant? Must say, Himachal weather suits the actress! Rangoli shared a few more photos from the fun family function.
Kangana Ranaut accessorised her outfit with a chunky statement necklace and a tiny bindi. Rangoli, on the other hand, looked lovely in a soft green silk sari.
Kangana and Rangoli's cousin Karan and his fiance Anjali sure look good together. It looked to be an intimate family gathering and Kangana Ranaut seems to have made the most of it by hanging out with her siblings and cousins.
On the work front, Kangana Ranaut is currently working on the Jayalalithaa biopic, Thalaivi. The drama is directed by AL Vijay and is all set to hit the theatres on June 26.
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