Vikram Bhatt, known for his thriller and horror flicks, is back again with his new offering Hacked, which is slated to hit theatres on February 7, 2020. The film marks television actress Hina Khan's Bollywood debut. This time around, Vikram Bhatt hasn't confined his film to the horror-paranormal space; instead, the filmmaker has chosen to shed light on the horrors of modern technology and the impact it has on life.
Watch the trailer of Hacked below:
The movie Hacked revolves around Hina Khan who is being stalked with the use of modern technology by the antagonist played by Rohan Shah. The film highlights the vulnerability of normal people in the age of social media and high-end gadgets.
The film stars Hina Khan and Rohan Shah in lead roles. Presented by Zee Studios, produced by Krishna Bhatt, Amar Thakkar, and Jatin Sethi, Hacked will release on February 7, 2020.
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