In the 43rd year of his career, Anil Kapoor continues to give Gen-Y actors a run for their money with his energy and passion for cinema. Roped in to play a cop in Mohit Suri's Malang, also starring Aditya Roy Kapur and Disha Patani, Kapoor went through multiple transformations to fit the role. Besides colouring his hair and fitness alterations, the actor also got tattoos, albeit temporary. "This is the first time I'll be sporting tattoos. Each tattoo chronicles the journey of my character," he says.
Not one to take any process lightly, the actor admits that he was "uncomfortable" when Suri suggested the idea. "I've always been up for experimenting with my look, but the permanence of tattoos was something I hadn't considered. But it was important for my character, so, Mohit and I broke down the nuances and built a believable story to justify it." He got inked by tattoo artist Mansingh and Axa Shareen of London was consulted.
Kapoor admits that his family "was supportive once he committed". "Of course, I've now become the butt of family jokes."
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