Vikrant Massey has lived what many may consider the Utopian life while shooting for his upcoming film, Chhapaak — the actor romanced Deepika Padukone on screen and gorged on eight gulab jamuns a day. "Meghna [Gulzar, director] wanted me on board. But the only apprehension she had was whether I would be able to put on 11 kilos in two-and-a-half months. I was lean whereas Alok [Dixit, Laxmi Agarwal's partner] is a bigger guy," explains Massey, who counts the drama among his most defining projects.
Standing lithe at 64 kilos, the actor had the arduous task of reaching a body weight of 75 kilos before the project went on floors. "Meghna didn't want me to bulk up. I needed to have a paunch like a regular man. So, I started an unhealthy diet of samosas and junk food. Every two-and-a-half hours, I had to eat something, even when I wasn't hungry. When I first saw myself with a paunch, I felt good. Meghnaji was relieved that the pairing looked more authentic." For Massey, the final word of appreciation came from Dixit. "Alok said, 'You make me look handsome.'"
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