It's for the first time in the history of Indian Cinema a graphic novel Rakshak, a vigilante superhero, will be made into a feature film directed by filmmaker Sanjay Gupta. A source revealed White Feather Films has bought the rights of the graphic novel Rakshak from Yali Dream Creations CEO and Publisher Asvin Sirvastangam.
Rakshak is a vigilante sans superpowers; yes there are quite a few of them, the biggest one being Batman, followed by Punisher, Daredevil, Kickass and others. The uniqueness of Rakshak as a vigilante comes from the fact that he is an ex-Indian army marine commando or MARCO, equivalent to US Navy Seals.
On touching base with Asvin Srivatsangam, founder of Yali Dream Creations states, "We at Yali Dream Creations are extremely proud of Rakshak and believe that it has great potential to come across as an interesting Hindi feature film. In the able hands of Sanjay Gupta, we feel that the film has found an ideal creator, hence we look forward to the partnership and the film, which is soon going into development."
To which the filmmaker further added, "I have always wanted to create my own superhero franchise and Rakshak came along the right time. We have a dearth in this genre."
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