Salman Khan's sister Arpita Khan and her actor husband have been blessed with a baby girl the second time around. The couple has a son, Ahil, who was born in 2016. Arpita and Aayush tied the knot in a grand ceremony, which lasted for over a week in 2014. Second-time dad Aayush shared the happy news on social media and also announced the baby's name. The couple has named her Ayat. Here's what he posted:
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Arpita Khan gave birth to the baby girl at Hinduja hospital in Khar, Mumbai. Dad Aayush Sharma was spotted outside the hospital and looked visibly excited and happy. Now, Salman Khan's youngest niece will share his birth date with him!
Every year, Salman Khan celebrates his birthday at his glitzy Panvel farmhouse. This year, however, the superstar wanted to stay by his sister's side in the last few days of her pregnancy.
Arpita and Aayush's family members like Helen, Atul Agnihotri and others made their way to the hospital to check in on the mom and baby.
Pictures/Bipin Kokate
A source revealed to mid-day, "Salman has chosen to stay put this year due to professional and personal reasons. He is busy shooting for his Eid 2020 release, Radhe. More importantly, it has been heard that Arpita has scheduled a C-section delivery on December 27 at the Hinduja Healthcare Surgical in Khar, as she wants her baby to share his/her birthday with Salman. So, the family has planned to ring in his big day tomorrow night at the Pali Hill residence.
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