Baaghi 3 is exactly four months away from its release. The film is all set to release on March 6, 2020 and stars Tiger Shroff, Shraddha Kapoor and Riteish Deshmukh in the lead roles. However, the makers have now roped in another actor for a crucial role, as reported by Mumbai Mirror. The actor is none other than Gully Boy fame, Vijay Varma. He's all set to don the character of Shroff's ally, who arrives to help him when trouble and danger begin to loom large.
While talking about the character, Varma stated this is the most colourful script and his character is fascinating with shades of humour. "He appears in a foreign land and helps Tiger out of a sticky situation. I've already shot with Tiger and Shraddha in Mumbai," said Varma. Meanwhile, he created an indelible impression on the audiences' consciousness with his breakout performance in Gully Boy, which is India's official entry to the Oscars this year.
Coming back to Baaghi 3, given his craft and tenacity when it comes to action, Shroff will be choreographing some sequences for the third film of the franchise. Talking about the same, he stated a while ago, "Fortunately, my director is open to suggestions, so we do a lot of back and forth on that. For instance, if my kicks or my hand-work is good, my inputs are considered by the stunt team and the director. Then, my action directors show me their ideas and if they are well-executed after some practice, it's the best of both worlds."
He also said the action is going to be grander and bigger this time around. "The action is going to be a lot bigger in Baaghi 3. And that's why I have begun the prep in terms of sequences, using different weapons and fighting in diverse styles." Baaghi and Baaghi 2 are two of the leading man's most popular films, especially the second part, which raked in over Rs 165 crore at the box-office. Given the makers have upped the scale and style in part 3, we expect at least Rs 200 crore at the ticket windows!
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