Ayushmann Khurrana starrer Bala maintained its winning streak at the box office and in three weeks of its release, the film has finally entered the 100 crore club in India! After Badhaai Ho and Dream Girl, the film became Ayushmann's yet another feature to surpass the Rs 100 crore mark. Its collection on Friday amounted for Rs 1.35 crore making the total to Rs 100.15 crore, film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the figures on his Twitter handle.
The news comes a day after the feature surpassed Rs 150 crore mark globally. Taking to her Twitter, Bhumi Pednekar exuded happiness over the same writing, "#Bala crosses another milestone. And it's a big one! So tonight's the time to celebrate the success with the team! Soda, pani nimbu ke saath kya piyenge aaj? #DineshVijan @amarkaushik @ayushmannk @yamigautam @MaddockFilms @JioCinema @jiostudios."
#Bala crosses another milestone. And it's a big one! So tonight's the time to celebrate the success with the team! ð Soda, pani nimbu ke saath kya piyenge aaj? ð #DineshVijan @amarkaushik @ayushmannk @yamigautam @MaddockFilms @JioCinema @jiostudios pic.twitter.com/tyT78Alv8a
— bhumi pednekar (@bhumipednekar) November 22, 2019
Opening with a decent Rs 10.5 crore, the film grossed over Rs 75 crore in just a week of its release.
'Bala' also became the 35-year-old actor's first film to be released in Saudi Arabia on November 14.
Based on premature balding, it stars Ayushmann playing the role of a guy who suffers from the condition and revolves around his love life struggles and how he gets demotivated because of his looks.
The film is helmed by 'Stree' director Amar Kaushik and produced by Dinesh Vijan. It also stars Javed Jaffery and Saurabh Shukla in supporting roles.
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