For more than a decade now, Sunil Grover has been entertaining his fans with his wit and humour. The actor carved a special place in people's hearts with his Dr. Gulati and Gutthi's character from a comedy show. Sunil also tried his hands in films and was appreciated for his acting chops. He surprised his fans after making the announcement of collaborating with Salman Khan for Bharat. After entertaining the fans on the big screens, the film is geared for its small-screen release. On this occasion, Grover got in an exclusive conversation with and spoke about the bond he has developed with Salman Khan.
Read the interview here:
Bharat is once again coming back but on the small screens. Has the excitement doubled up because a larger number of audience will get to watch the film?
Yes, definitely. That the film is coming on satellite and more people will watch it with their families at home.
It's a rarity to see the second lead share equal screen space in an A-list actor's film. Do all these aspects matter to you?
I don't know about A, B, and C-listers. But it's a great opportunity to work with Salman Khan. To get that kind of a role with such a big star is very special.
Now that you are doing films, any plans of returning to the small screen with your own show?
For me, it's the opportunity to work with people who know their job.
Your fans miss you as Dr. Gulati and Gutthi, and it's been a long since they saw you in those avatars. Will their wait end?
I don't know about that.
After Bharat, has anything changed in terms of your popularity?
People have started seeing me in a different light. Otherwise, I only had funny roles, with this, I got to showcase one more aspect. I am really happy but also I was very nervous before the release of Bharat. I used to wonder whether the audience will accept me in such a role or in a serious avatar. Will they be laughing, I had kept the fingers crossed. After the release, I was very very happy to receive love and acknowledgement.
You were seen on Bigg Boss with Harsh Limbachiyaa, what kind of a bond have you developed over the time with Salman Khan?
Of course, after working with him, I have become a bigger fan of him. I like the way he approaches things or he lives his life.
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