In 2015, Aditya Pancholi's son, Sooraj Pancholi, made his debut along with another debutante, Athiya Shetty, daughter of Suniel Shetty. The film was produced by Salman Khan and directed by Nikkhil Advani, and even though it didn't set the cash registers ringing, Pancholi received praise for his performance. Cut to 2019, he gears up for his second release, Satellite Shankar, where he plays an army officer and looks ready for action. The trailer just dropped in and the actor looks back in action. Over the last few days, the actor has been sharing multiple posts about his film and it seems the story and the character have really touched his heart. Have a look at some of them right here:
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Satellite Shankar is directed by Irfan Kamal and stars the South star, Megha Akash. The film was shot across 10 states of India and created a record of sorts. It was originally planned to release it on July 5, 2019, was postponed to September 6 and finally releases on November 15. After this, Pancholi will be seen in Time To Dance with Katrina Kaif's sister, Isabelle Kaif.
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