On Monday evening, Deepika Padukone held a wrap up party of the upcoming film '83. At the bash held in Bandra, Mumbai, film's lead actor Ranveer Singh was seen dancing with producer Sajid Nadiadwala. They danced on Nadiadwala's film Housefull 4's song, 'Shaitaan Ka Saala'.
The quirky song from Housefull 4, 'Shaitaan Ka Saala' featuring Akshay Kumar released recently, and within no time the song's fever is all over the Bollywood. The signature step has taken over the internet as we saw Ayushmann Khurrana grooving on the same song and now the powerhouse of energy Ranveer Singh has also seen dancing on the tunes of 'Bala'.
The quirky video is making around on the internet as Ranveer Singh dance along with his '83 producer Sajid Nadiadwala who's producing Housefull 4 as well.
The FIRST entry is here! The '83 Fam took on #TheBalaChallenge we sure as hell are feeling it! ð¥Ã°¥#SajidNadiadwala and @RanveerOfficial burning the dance floor with their #ShaitanKaSaala dance moves! ð¤©Ã°¥
— Nadiadwala Grandson (@NGEMovies) October 7, 2019
ð¥ @WardaNadiadwala @akshaykumar #Housefull4 #83TheFilm pic.twitter.com/yvWKJegZcE
On Monday, the song launch of 'Shaitan Ka Saala' took place in Hyderabad on a grand scale and before that, we got to see the Bollywood swinging on the tune of the new song.
The comedy of errors stars Akshay Kumar, Riteish Deshmukh, Bobby Deol, Kriti Sanon, Pooja Hegde, and Kriti Kharbanda in double roles as the story revolves around reincarnation.
Housefull 4 is presented and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala's Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment and co-produced by Fox Star Studios, directed by Farhad Samji the film is slated to release on October 25, 2019.
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