Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Panday unveiled the first look of Pati Patni Aur Woh on Tuesday. While the film was initially touted to be a remake of the Sanjeev Kumar, Vidya Sinha and Ranjeeta starrer by the same name, director Mudassar Aziz believes his offering is markedly different from the original as relationships have undergone a sea change in the four decades that separates the two movies. "Modern-day relationships are based on different value systems. Hence, we turned things around on the concept level itself and re-wrote the plot. Our film shares nothing with the original other than its title and logline."
A still from the original Pati Patni Aur Woh film
It is a humble tribute to BR saab [Chopra, director of the original]," says the director. With Kumar's character getting fascinated with his new secretary, the 1978 film offered a comic take on infidelity. The director too has adopted a playful tone for his story. "This film, in a light-hearted manner, analyses what makes people stray," reflects Aziz, adding that he has tweaked the characters to make them more relevant. "We created a brand new character for Kartik. Bhumi's 'Patni' is nowhere close to what Vidyaji played in the original and Ananya is the surprise package."
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