Following months of speculation, it appears that Yash Raj Films has finally decided to go forward with the second instalment of Bunty Aur Babli, the 2005 hit that featured Rani Mukerji, Abhishek Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan. Shaad Ali, who helmed the original, will return for the second part. Though the cast is yet to be finalised, it has been heard that Gully Boy discovery Siddhant Chaturvedi aka MC Sher and Janhvi Kapoor are the frontrunners for the movie.
A source reveals, "Though Ishaan Khatter was initially considered for the male lead, he has allotted bulk dates to Mira Nair's A Suitable Boy. Since the makers want to roll with Bunty Aur Babli 2 before year-end, they are in talks with Siddhant. The actor will wrap up the shoot of Inside Edge's latest season, post which he can work on the comedy. If Janhvi comes on board, she is likely to squeeze in the project between Dostana 2, and Takht, which rolls in February-end. The two have yet to sign on the dotted line."
Rani Mukerji and Abhishek in Buntu Aur Babli
YRF remained unavailable for comment.
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