Bollywood's ultimate star couple, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, is often seen PDAing on social media and the duo also never shies away from pulling each other's legs. On Wednesday, October 16, when Deepika posted a glamorous snap while striking a fierce pose in red rose couture, her husband Ranveer was among the first to comment on it- This is the "Is this any time to come home?" glare. Take look at the post right here:
This isn't the first time that the couple was found teasing each other in love on the social media platform. Before this, the Piku actor shared a hilarious meme which left the duo's fans and followers in splits. Have a look:
On the work front, Deepika will play the role of husband Ranveer's reel wife in the upcoming sports drama '83. She is also a co-producer of the film. Deepika will also be seen in Meghna Gulzar directorial Chhapaak, playing the role of an acid attack survivor alongside actor Vikrant Massey.
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