Priyanka Chopra returns to Bollywood after a hiatus with the upcoming film, The Sky is Pink. The October release had its world premire at Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) on Saturday. For Priyanka, it was an emotional gala. Videos doing the rounds on Internet show a teary-eyed Priyanka hugging the film's director Shonali Bose at the premiere.
"The Sky Is Pink" is a romantic drama about a couple, played by Priyanka and Farhan Akhtar, who lose their daughter (Zaira Wasim) to pulmonary fibrosis.
View this post on Instagram#priyankachopra takes the stage at #tiff 𥰠she looks so beautiful #theskyispink
At the do, Priyanka enthralled fans in a stylish grey-and-black frill dress. Farhan was accompanied by his beau Shibani Dandekar.
Priyanka's pop star hubby Nick Jonas couldn't make it to the premiere but he makes sure to congratulate her on social media.
"Congrats Priyanka and the entire 'The Sky is Pink' team on your TIFF premiere," Nick wrote on Instagram Story. Sharing Nick's post, Priyanka thanked her "baby".
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