Mission Mangal, which revolves around the story of India's Mangalyaan or the Mars Orbiter Mission, has made it to the Rs 200 crore benchmark at the Box Office. The film, in the fourth week, made a business of Rs. 7.02 crore in total. On its 4th Friday, it earned Rs 73 lakh, on Saturday it collected Rs 1.40 crore, on Sunday it earned Rs 2.10 crore, on Monday it raked in Rs 61 lakh, on Tuesday it managed to 1.01 crore, on Wednesday it collected Rs 54 lakh, and yesterday (Thursday) Rs 63 lakh. Mission Mangal now stands at a total Box Office collection of Rs 200.16 crore, thus becoming the fourth movie of 2019 to have entered the 200-crore club.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh stated on social media that Mission Mangal has set another record by emerging as the highest-grossing Independence Day release. Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif's Ek Tha Tiger earlier held the record of being the Top Independence Day grosser at the Box Office.
Here are some of the milestones Mission Mangal has set in its 29-days run at the Box Office:
#MissionMangal benchmarks...
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) September 13, 2019
Crossed â¹ 50 cr: Day 3
â¹ 100 cr: Day 5
â¹ 150 cr: Day 11
â¹ 175 cr: Day 14
â¹ 200 cr: Day 29#India biz.
Days taken to reach â¹ 200 cr... 2019 releases...
âï¸ #KabirSingh: Day 13
âï¸ #Bharat: Day 14
âï¸ #Uri: Day 28
âï¸ #MissionMangal: Day 29
Directed by Jagan Shakti, "Mission Mangal" also stars Vidya Balan, Sonakshi Sinha, Kirti Kulhari, Taapsee Pannu and Nithya Menen.
Akshay had earlier said: "I've made this film mainly for children, so that they feel encouraged to become scientists. Scientist as a profession is not very likeable, but now after ISRO's launch of the Chandrayaan, people are gradually becoming more aware of it and taking interest in it. I hope this film helps to spread the fact that what a great profession it is."
Mission Mangal's week-wise collections are as follows:
1st-week collections: Rs 128.16 crore [extended week - 8 Days]
2nd-week collections: Rs 49.95 crore
3rd-week collections: Rs 15.03 crore
4th-week collections: Rs 7.02 crore
Rakesh Dhawan (Akshay) and Tara Shinde (Vidya) lead a team of scientists who overcome their personal challenges and failures to serve as the brains behind one of the greatest missions in history: The launch of India's first satellite to Mars. The movie, based on a true story of India's mission to Mars, is about ordinary people achieving the extraordinary. The film is co-produced by 'PadMan' director R Balki which released on the occasion of Independence Day.
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