If you're confused about what to binge-watch over the weekend, you might want to quickly check out Arjun Kapoor's Instagram handle. Over the past month, the actor — a self-confessed cinephile — has been doling out the movie and show recommendations every Friday as part of his new offering, Arjun Recommends. What started as stray Instagram posts has become a digital property, courtesy its popularity among his fans.
"I would, any day, prefer to sit at home and discover great shows and movies than go out for a party. Arjun Recommends is my attempt to bring together like-minded people who love to watch clutter-breaking content. It allows me to engage with people across India and understand [the shows or movies that] work for them. I want to develop it into a platform for people to discuss the good content that is available on the Internet," says Kapoor, who recommends a movie that has caught his attention in the recent past, over a two-minute long video.
He points out that the rise of OTT platforms has pushed filmmakers to deliver better content to audiences. "Watching innovative content can make us understand the kind of shows the audiences are watching in their homes. It can arm us with information on what kind of films to make so that people feel the urge to come to theatres. The rise of the OTT has definitely changed the game. We are witnessing a period of disruption where each medium is pushing the other to do better."
Kapoor's choices so far have included the 2018 sleeper hit Searching and the popular series, Succession
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