Bollywood's latest heartthrob Sara Ali Khan has managed to win hearts, be it with her film choices or her red carpet appearances, and the 'Kedarnath' actor has managed to set temperatures soaring with her latest photoshoot as the cover girl of a magazine. The svelte beauty oozed oomph in a frost white and green bodycon skirt and a white crop top with bell sleeves, with her hair let down in loose curls.
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The 23-year-old chose to keep her makeup to the bare minimum, perfectly complementing the look. The actor shared the magazine cover on her Instagram handle. Sara made a promising debut with 'Kedarnath' where she shared screen space with Sushant Singh Rajput, and her second film 'Simmba' went onto achieve the numbers at the box office.
She will next be seen in the remake of 1995 hit 'Coolie no 1' with Varun Dhawan, and Imtiaz Ali's untitled alongside Kartik Aaryan.
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