Kabir Singh has taken the country by storm, raking in a mighty Rs 200 crore, with Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani celebrating the biggest hit of their career. The film collected Rs 7.53 crore on its 2nd Wednesday, taking its grand total to Rs 206.48 crore at the Box Office.
Kabir Singh has become the third 200 crore grosser of 2019. While Uri: The Surgical Strike took 28 days to achieve the feat, it was Salman Khan's Bharat that entered the coveted 200 crore club in 14 days. The film now stands as the fastest entrant to the 200 crore club of 2019. The floods, cricket fever and the fact that Kabir Singh released on a non-holiday weekend didn't stop it from making a remarkable business at the Box Office.
#KabirSingh benchmarks...
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) July 4, 2019
Crossed â¹ 50 cr: Day 3
â¹ 100 cr: Day 5
â¹ 150 cr: Day 9
â¹ 175 cr: Day 10
â¹ 200 cr: Day 13
India biz.
Days taken to reach â¹ 200 cr... 2019 releases...
âï¸ #KabirSingh: Day 13
âï¸ #Bharat: Day 14
âï¸ #Uri: Day 28
India biz.
While Shahid has consistently been a critic favorite, Kabir Singh has been hailed his finest performance so far. On the other hand, Kiara Advani's, whose last hit was MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, performance in this love saga has been lauded too.
Kabir Singh has surpassed the lifetime collections of the original Arjun Reddy, in just two days. The original blockbuster starred Vijay Deverakonda and Shalini Pandey.
Going by the trade verdict, if the film continues to go strong at the box office in its third week too, it has a good potential of hitting the 300 crore mark. Though currently, Uri is the biggest hit of 2019, Kabir Singh might soo supersede its numbers within the next few weeks.
Helmed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, who also directed the original film, 'Kabir Singh' tells the story of a short-tempered surgeon Kabir Singh (Shahid) who goes on a path of self-destruction, consuming drugs and alcohol after he cannot marry the love of his life Preeti (Kiara).
The film also stars Soham Majumdar, Arjan Bajwa, Suresh Oberoi, Nikita Dutta and Kamini Kaushal in pivotal roles. Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Murad Khetani, Krishan Kumar, and Ashwin Varde, the film had released on June 21.
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