Before heading out for his family vacation to London yesterday, Akshay Kumar shot a special promo for the Pro Kabaddi League at Mehboob Studios in Bandra, on Monday. mid-day has learnt that the actor will turn guest commentator for a kabaddi match in Mumbai scheduled for July 27.
A source reveals, "The league kick-starts in Hyderabad on July 20 and comes to Mumbai a week later. Considering Akshay has championed the cause of sports over the years, he has been requested to be the guest commentator for the maiden match in the city. He will also kick off the proceedings by singing the national anthem. It also perfectly times with the promotions of his next, Mission Mangal. The actor has expressed enthusiasm to be part of the event. Of course, the final details will be worked out closer to the match, depending on the actor's schedule."
It may also be recalled that two years ago, the superstar had partnered with the Bengal Warriors team.
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