Ever since Hrithik Roshan went de-glam for the role, the actor's Super 30 has been creating the right stir amongst the audience. The makers of this film got composer duo Ajay-Atul on board, who scored a hit with the music of Hrithik Roshan's 2012 film Agneepath. They have now reunited with the actor for Super 30's first quirky song titled, Jugraphia. Featuring Hrithik and his love interest, Mrunal Thakur, the romantic song's lyrics is written by Amitabh Bhattacharya and is a blend of Hindi and Bihari words. This song marks the reunion of Hrithik Roshan and ace singer Udit Narayan.
Udit Narayan, who had given playback for some of the iconic songs in the actor's 2000 debut, Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai and went on to sing for him in subsequent projects has lent his voice to Jugraphia along with Shreya Ghoshal. "I have not been this excited for a song in a while now. My last hit was Radha from Student of the Year (2012), and I am sure this one will be even bigger than that," Udit Narayan shared.
Describing it as a typical Bollywood romantic number, Udit informed that since the song required a specific diction, he had to rehearse with the composer-duo at their studio to get the pitch right. "Ajay and Atul had discussed the song with me almost a year ago. We did several sittings before recording it. It has the potential to become an earworm," he added.
According to Udit, the song also conveys a social message. "It's a conversational melody which talks about love being above wealth. Hrithik's character is poor but is able to keep his better half happy," he signed off.
A story of the triumph of spirit, Hrithik will be reprising the role of a Mathematician, Anand Kumar who trains students for IIT-JEE in Bihar. The movie also features Mrunal Thakur alongside Hrithik in the most awaiting release of the year.
Reliance Entertainment in association with HRX Films presents Super 30, which is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala Film, Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment, Phantom Films, and Reliance Entertainment. A Reliance Entertainment and PVR Pictures release, the film hits the theatres on July 12, 2019.
Also Read: Hrithik Roshan introduces his two students from Super 30
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