On Saturday, Neetu Kapoor took to her Instagram account to share the photo of her "three men" on social media. Son Ranbir Kapoor and son-in-law Bharat Sahni took off to New York to meet Rishi Kapoor. The trio stepped out for lunch in New York. Neetu clicked the image of the trio and gave a lovely caption to it: "Pure heart is very attractive n all three have that quality they are individually strong Pure with great wit !!! my super men #threescompany #familytime [sic]"
Take a look at the image:
Bharat Sahni is Riddhima Kapoor's husband and the latter also shared the same image on her Instagram account. It has been over eight months now that the actor is being treated in New York. Actress-wife Neetu Kapoor has stayed with him all this while and the family keeps frequenting New York to meet Rishi Kapoor.
Also Read: Good News for Rishi Kapoor fans! Actor to return to India before his birthday
Recently, Sanjay Kapoor, who is also in New York with wife Maheep Kapoor, daughter Shanaya Kapoor and son Jahaan also met the veteran actor and posed for a "happy" picture.
Picture Courtesy: Sanjay Kapoor's Instagram account.
Prior to this, Neetu Kapoor had also shared a picture of the Bachchans and a few others meeting Rishi Kapoor in New York. Alia Bhatt too was part of the get-together. Neetu Kapoor shared a series of photographs on Instagram. The first image featured Rishi Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Ranbir, Alia, and Neetu posing for the camera.
View this post on InstagramYour family is your whole world â¤Ã¯¸ so so many LOVES in these beautiful moments ðð¤Ã°¥°
The industry insiders have been visiting the Prem Rog actor, who is now much better. From Shah Rukh Khan, Ambanis, Aamir Khan, Karan Johar, the Bachchans, Vicky Kaushal, Boman Irani, Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt, Anupam Kher, Priyanka Chopra, Sonali Bendre, Javed Akhtar, and many others have paid a visit to him in New York.
Also Read: Poster alert! Pyaar Ka Punchnama boys and Rishi Kapoor in Jhootha Kahin Ka
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