Ahead of Mental Hai Kya release, Kangana Ranaut's sister Rangoli Chandel now claims that Hrithik Roshan's sister, Sunaina Roshan, is in touch with them. On Wednesday, Rangoli Chandel tweeted, "Sunaina has been calling Kangana. She wants to apologise that she didn't stand up for her as she was friends with her when Hrithik and Kangana were close."
Don’t act too smart @chakrabarti_r everyone isn’t nice to their siblings, Hrithik Roshan’s sister Sunaina Roshan has been calling and messaging Kangana and me only to apologise that she didn’t stand up for her when Hrithik framed her as they were friends.... (contd) https://t.co/Ty2HwG7XLj
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) June 12, 2019
It all began when Rangoli Chandel posted a tweet about sister Kangana Ranaut being helpful to her. The actress' sister, who is also her manager, is building a house with her husband in Kullu and asked Kangana for help with the designs. "Ajay and I are building our house in Kullu, I simply asked Kangana for some design suggestions, here she is designing everything from a scratch, sometimes calls me at 2am bursting with idea and excitement, everyday I get hundreds of reference pictures," she wrote.
Ajay and I are building our house in Kullu, I simply asked Kangana for some design suggestions, here she is designing everything from a scratch, sometimes calls me at 2am bursting with idea and excitement, everyday I get hundreds of reference pictures...(contd) pic.twitter.com/lBX5yAWZr7
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) June 12, 2019
Rangoli further added, "For our budget what she is doing with the house is extraordinary, the best thing about Kangana is her ability to give her all to the people in her life, to treat them as if they are an extension of herself, how not to fall in love with her everyday [sic]"
(Contd)....for our budget what she is doing with the house is extraordinary, best thing about Kangana is her ability to give her all to the people in her life, to treat them as if they are an extension of herself, how not to fall in love with her everyday ð pic.twitter.com/JO4Pfy6wEr
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) June 12, 2019
To which, a user commented that every sibling does this for each other. To which, Rangoli said that it's not the case with every sibling, and gave the reference point of Sunaina Roshan, who recently claimed that her family isn't supporting her.
Rangoli further added that when Hrithik got wind of Sunaina being closer to Kangana, "he and his PR tried to prove that Sunaina was bipolar and had a nervous breakdown (sic)."
(Contd)..when Kangana &Hrithik were close, when Hrithik found out he & his PR tried to prove her a bipolar on a nervous breakdown, poor lady was so hassled with all the public shaming and blaming...(contd)
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) June 12, 2019
Talking about Sunaina Roshan, she has been through a broken marriage, has battled depression, diabetes and hypertension, undergone bariatric surgery, sought psychiatric help and survived cervical cancer. She started her blog 'Zindagi', where she began sharing her experiences.
Also Read: Sunaina Roshan on her family: It's sad but they are not even supporting me
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