A decade after their acclaimed pairing in the comic-drama 3 Idiots (2009), Kareena Kapoor Khan and Aamir Khan are apparently set to join forces again for the latter's passion project, Lal Singh Chaddha. The Hindi remake of Tom Hanks 1994 hit Forrest Gump, we're told, will see Kareena Kapoor Khan play his love interest.
A source says, "The chemistry between the characters must be effortless. Aamir wants Kareena to play the part. She is in London till August, shooting for Angrezi Medium. She will make a pit stop in Mumbai next month for her TV commitments. The final call on the casting will be taken then."
Director Advait Chandan's offering goes on floors in October ahead of the shooting of Karan Johar's Takht, also featuring Kapoor.
Also read: Do you know Aamir Khan's diet plan to get lean for Lal Singh Chaddha?
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