A few odd days ago, Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan made her relationship official with musician Mishaal Kirpalani. Now, the star kid has shared another video where she is seen doing a romantic dance with Mishaal. The video has Ira in a mango-yellow sleeveless top, which she paired with an olive green skirt, while Mishaal was in a white shirt. The cuteness and innocence of Ira in the video will make you go aww!
Ira Khan shared the video with the caption: "I just wanna dance with you [sic]"
While Ira and Mishaal were seen dancing, a friend came into the video and Ira cutely asks him to not get into the frame. It was recently in an #AskMe session when Ira revealed about her relationship with Mishaal Kirpalani.
Ira also got herself inked and said: "If we won't, who will?" The picture also highlighted her belly piercing along with her first tattoo.
Take a look at some more pictures of the couple:
Don't they look good together! We wonder if daddy Aamir Khan has given his stamp of approval.
Also Read: Aamir Khan's daughter Ira confirms relationship with this musician! See mushy photos
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