Aamir Khan's mother Zeenat turned 85. On Thursday, the actor hosted a celebration in Dharamshala to ring in his ammi's big day with near and dear ones, which included Aamir's former wife Reena Dutta, Kiran Rao with her parents, son Junaid, and Azad with daughter Ira, along with director Mansoor Khan, sisters Nikhat Khan, Farhat Khan, Nuzhat Khan and Amin Hajee with the twin Karim Hajee amongst others was also present.
Aamir Khan's daughter Ira posted pictures and videos from the party. Little Azad helped grandmom cut the birthday cake. Check out the video right here:
Ira penned a sweet message along with pictures on social media. She wrote: Dadi turned 85 today! Boy, does she not look it. It's absolutely amazing to have such a cool grandmom. She's very correct in her ways but she's still so tolerant and open-minded about the things that actually matter. She's an absolutely amazing human being and so much fun to hang around and chat with. I'd leave any party to come play cards with her. She's made me a cooler person. She's the epitome of what a person should be and we have so much left to learn from her. Especially how to make kebabs!
Aamir Khan shared this picture on social media. Last evening, Khan shared the news on Instagram and wrote, "Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman on earth (sic)."
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