After Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela, Bajirao Mastani and Padmaavat, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are reuniting for Kabir Khan's '83. The film is based on the 1983 Cricket World Cup-win by the Indian cricket team spearheaded by Kapil Dev. While Ranveer Singh essays the character of captain Kapil Dev, his real-life wife Deepika will play his on-screen better-half too, thus getting into the shoes of Dev's wife, Romi Bhatia.
As per a report in The Asian Age, Deepika Padukone has reportedly charged a whopping amount of Rs 14 crore to play Ranveer's wife in the Kabir Khan directorial. Speaking about it, a source told the publication, "'83 is about the Indian cricket team led by Kapil Dev winning the 1983 World Cup in England and Wales. How much of a role Deepika can have as Kapil Dev's wife in a plot that is not devoted to Kapil's off-field life?"
The source also added that Deepika had her doubts about doing this film because her part isn't the central character here. "She was in two minds and wasn't sure if she wanted to play a non-central character," revealed a source close to the producer.
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Later, when the source was prodded by the publication what made her sign the film then? To which, the insider said, "I think Ranveer almost convinced her, then the zeros on the cheque did the rest."
Deepika has already started shooting for the film in London. '83 will recreate the historic events, which led the Indian cricket team to win the 1983 World Cup against West Indies. The film is touted to be one of the biggest sports movies of all time and has got the fans anticipating its release ever since it was first announced. The cast finished shooting in Dharamshala and is now in London, shooting for the movie under the mentorship and guidance of none other than Kapil Dev.
Ranveer Singh-starrer '83 is set to release on April 10, 2020. This is going to be the first tri-lingual release for both, Kabir Khan and Ranveer Singh, and is being released in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.
Watch Video: Deepika Padukone 'hits it off' with Ranveer Singh for '83
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