PM Narendra Modi, a biopic on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, raked in nearly Rs 3 crore on the first day of its release. A tweet posted by trade analyst Taran Adarsh on Saturday read: "'PM Narendra Modi' had a lukewarm start in the morning, but picked up speed as Day 1 progressed. Evening shows witnessed better occupancy, Friday Rs 2.88 crore India business."
#PMNarendraModi had a lukewarm start in the morning, but picked up speed as Day 1 progressed... Evening shows witnessed better occupancy... Fri â¹ 2.88 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 25, 2019
The film, which stars Vivek Anand Oberoi, Boman Irani, Waheeda Rahman, Darshan Kumaar and Manoj Joshi, among others, traces Modi's life story. It was stopped just a night before its scheduled worldwide opening on April 11 when the parliamentary polls kicked off, to ensure a level playing field in the elections.
Directed by Omung Kumar, the film starring Vivek Oberoi is based on the life of the incumbent Prime Minister. Zarina Wahab and Barkha Bisht Sengupta are others, who star in the biopic that depicts Modi's journey from humble beginnings to his tenure as chief minister of Gujarat and finally as Prime Minister of the country. The film has garnered a mix reaction from the audience.
Speaking to ANI, one of the viewer, Megha said, "The movie is fabulous, in fact, it is inspirational for us. The movie shows how honest and hardworking Modi Ji is and I rate the movie 5 out of 5. Plus Vivek Oberoi has done a very good job playing Narendra Modi."
Praising the movie, another fan, Mukesh Sharma said, "The movie is really good, it shows Modiji's struggle. He lived a very difficult life without any modern day amenities but still made his way to the top. It teaches us three things - have confidence, honesty and patience in life."
Actor Arjun Kapoor-starrer India's Most Wanted, which released along with the biopic on Friday, made Rs 2.10 crore.
#IndiasMostWanted struggles... Records extremely low numbers on Day 1, although biz picked up towards evening... Needs miraculous growth on Day 2 and 3 to salvage the show... Fri â¹ 2.10 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 25, 2019
Directed by Rajkummar Gupta, India's Most Wanted is inspired by a "true story" related to a terrorist. It is about a mission of five people to nab India's most wanted terrorist -- described in the movie as India's Osama -- without any weapon or support in just four days.
Also Read: PM Narendra Modi biopic: Vivek Oberoi's film opens to mixed responses
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